Horse riding route Weert - Vosseven route south

Startlocatrie: Ruiterroute Weert - Vosseven route zuid
Lochtstraat 28
6039 RV
Brook with a paved path on the left
Forest Path
Small chapel
Forest Path

Horse riding trails

Route: 25,4 km. The route takes you directly from 't Vosseven across the Belgian border. There you drive on mostly paved roads through the countryside of Bree and Kinrooi. On this part you have beautiful views and many monumental farms. Stramproyerbroek brings you back to the Netherlands and back to 't Vosseven.

Belgian border

This route is part of the large horse riding network in Weert. At 't Vosseven the route connects to other parts of this route network. You can therefore choose a different route here.

Route: 20-25 km.
Numbered junction network route
Route from A to B


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.
