Hotel en Grand Cafe De Pauw

Hotel en Grandcafé de Pauw BV
Roerkade 2
6041 KZ


Hotel and Grand Café De Pauw is a household name in Roermond. It is a small and attractive hotel and grand café, located in the center on the Roerkade. The lunchroom with terrace offers a magnificent view of the historic stone bridge over the Roer. Come and enjoy a delicious lunch, a good glass of wine or a nice cool beer.

In the lunchroom you can enjoy a cup of coffee with pie, a nice drink or a delicious lunch.

The hotel is located in an old Dutch building and has 14 rooms with breakfast facilities and a beautiful covered terrace.

Hotel and Grand Café de Pauw is surrounded by bustling terraces and a wide range of shops. The hotel is only a 5-minute walk from Designer Outlet Roermond and the beautiful Maasplassen of Roermond.

Also on this location


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

Mountainbike route