Melick green route: Along the Roer

Oetsjpanning De Meuleberg
Waterschei 71
6074 ES
The hiking route Melick green route takes you along the Roer
Sign of the happiness spot in the municipality of Roerdalen

Walking/hiking routes

Lenght Melick Green route: 9 kilometres.  The route Along the Roer starts at lunchroom Oetsjpanning de Meuleberg, Waterschei 71, 6074 ES, Melick.

Along the hiking route Melick Green Route - Along the Roer, you can enjoy the beautiful views of the meandering river the Roer. Via the village of Melick you hike back to Oetsjpanning de Meuleberg.

Hiking nodes


Route: 5-10 km.
Numbered junction network route
Route from A to A
Marked route


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

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