Nature reserve Maas-Schwalm-Nette

Kapellerpoort 1
6041 HZ
Nature reserve Maas-Schwalm-Nette
Nature reserve Maas-Schwalm-Nette
Nature reserve Maas-Schwalm-Nette

Area of natural beauty

Het Duits-Nederlands Grenspark Maas-Swalm-Nette ligt grofweg tussen de steden Venlo en Roermond.

Nature reserve Maas-Schwalm-Nette

In the park, there are almost 10,000 ha of nature reserves and bird protection areas on both sides of the border. The areas vary from extremely humid and nutrient-rich in the Maas valley and the stream valleys to extremely dry, sandy and nutrient-poor on the higher terraces.

Within the total area of the border park there are also national parks De Meinweg and De Witte Stein. Within the border park, there are no less than 21 different information and visitor centres on both sides of the border. The many cycling and hiking tours in the German-Dutch Border Park Maas-Swalm-Nette offer an ideal opportunity to get to know the border park.


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

Mountainbike route