A day out in the municipality Leudal

The municipality of Leudal

In Leudal you will find countless opportunities for a wonderful day out. Choose, for example, for an active day out in the open air or visit one of the many churches and windmills in the area. Discover the possibilities for a fun day out in the municipality of Leudal!


There is no lack of sights and culture in the municipality of Leudal. In every village you will find a church, a castle, a mill or other cultural and industrial heritage. Some of these sights are open to visitors. 

Routes in and around Leudal

The Leudal nature reserve is the perfect place for a lovely walking or cycling tour. Enjoy the naturally overgrown stream valleys, the Leubeek that meanders between the trees and the sights such as the Leumolen. Also outside the nature reserve, there are many beautiful routes.

Create your own routes with the walking, cycling and equestrian route planner. 

Sporty and active day out in Leudal

Fancy some action? Challenge your friends at Battle of the Godfathers, the indoor obstacle course or for a game of laser tag. It is also possible to undertake some quieter activities. For example, you can make a bike tour with rented bicycles, or go to the activity farm with the children. You certainly don't have to sit still here!