

Stolpersteine is a project by German artist Gunter Demnig. Throughout Europe, these memorial stones form a tangible reminder of the Jewish victims who never returned from concentration camps.

Stolpersteine in Roermond

Stolpersteine feature a 10x10cm brass plaque with name, birth and death date in the pavement in front of the home of the deportee(s). In Roermond, they can be found at various addresses. The Stolpersteine are an initiative of the municipality of Roermond and historian and honorary citizen Hein van der Bruggen. In the coming years, more Stolpersteine will be added for fallen Jewish residents and executed members of the resistance.

Roermond audio tour

With the cooperation of the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Limburg, the Roermond Municipal Archives has put together an audio tour of the Stolpersteine in Roermond. Download and install the app on your phone and listen while walking to the impressive stories behind the Stolpersteine. Visit Audiotour - Gemeentearchief Roermond for more information.