Nature Walk: Liberation Route Herkenbosch

Liberation Route Herkenbosch
Meinweg 2
6075 NA
Nature Walk: Liberation Route Herkenbosch
Nature Walk: Liberation Route Herkenbosch

Walking/hiking routes

Length: 10.1 km. This walking route takes you past various listening spots in the Herkenbosch area.


The route passes partly through National Park De Meinweg. During the trip you also pass several listening sites of the Liberation Route. Here you can listen to stories from WWII. Be sure to take a moment to stop here. Click here for more information about the Liberation Route and the listening stations.

Snack and drink 

During the tour there is opportunity for a snack and drink at De Boshut (visitor center of De Meinweg) and Rijstal Venhof.

Route: 10-20 km.
Numbered junction network route
Route from A to A