Partner route: Walking tour Vosseven-Luysmolen

Boshuis Nieuw Vosseven
Lochtstraat 28
6039 RV
Tour of Vosseven-Luysmolen

Walking/hiking routes

Length: 10 KM. Discover the most beautiful spots during Rondje Vosseven-Luysmolen.

Boshuis Nieuw Vosseven

The route starts from Boshuis Nieuw Vosseven. Boshuis Nieuw Vosseven is located in the woody surroundings of Stramproy. The walk takes you past several special places through the region.

Voorste Luysmolen

Consider, for example, the Voorste Luysmolen. The Voorste Luysmolen is an understory water mill dating from 1515. The mill is located on the Aabeek.

Snack & drink

After the walk, enjoy a delicious snack and drink at Boshuis Nieuw Vosseven.

Route: 5-10 km.
Numbered junction network route

Also on this location


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.
