Partner route: the Wega Peeltrapper Groote Peel experience!

Starting point: nature campsite Wega Weert
Kruisbergenweg 2
6006 VZ
Couple together on a bicycle

Cycle route

Length: 44.31 km.
A beautiful cycling route from Nature Camp Wega, heading for the Groote Peel.

National Parks

The Netherlands has twenty National Parks. In the parks all the special features of Dutch nature can be found: dunes, forests, heathland, low moorland, tidal nature, stream valleys, fens and much more. One of the parks is located in Central Limburg, near Natuurkampeerterrein Wega in Weert.

De Groote Peel

National Park De Groote Peel is a vast, water-rich and quiet high moorland area known primarily for its many bird species and special history. Everywhere in the landscape the "scars of peat extraction in the past are still visible. The Groote Peel itself can be explored on foot, thanks in part to the club bridges built by grandfather Evers. All peel areas can be admired by bicycle.

Cycling route

A beautiful cycle route from Natuurkampeerterrein Wega, on the way to the Groote Peel. You'll feel like a true PeelTrapper! About 44 kilometers enjoying wide open views. Interspersed with nice villages with their many possibilities.

Partner route: the Wega Peeltrapper Groote Peel experience!

Route: 35-50 km.
Numbered junction network route

Also on this location


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.
