This is where the story begins...
This unique Bed and Breakfast has much more to offer than just a place to sleep. B&B N10 offers a total experience of design, styling and history in a monumental building in the center of Roermond. B&B N10 has the comfort of a hotel, the feeling of a luxury suite and the small scale of a B&B.
Unique Luxury Designer B&B
B&B N10 is located in a Jugendstil building. The eclectic style tells you many stories of and about the history of Roermond. The building has undergone a major makeover. Upon entering you immediately see the unique and colorful combinations of contemporary design.
Love for architecture
The love for architecture is clearly visible at B&B N10, and has also been preserved. That's no different in Roermond, the city of architect Pierre Cuypers. Surprising are the various rooms where you are constantly triggered by the colors, styles, atmospheres and nuances in design.
You will be situated in a royal environment, right in the heart of the city center of Roermond.