Dagje er op uit in Maasgouw

Discover the municipality of Maasgouw

What is there to do in the municipality of Maasgouw? The watery municipality of Maasgouw is ideal for a day out together with your significant other or with the whole family. Check out the possibilities for a lovely day out in Maasgouw!

Attractions and sights

The beautiful location of the municipality of Maasgouw on the water means that you will soon have a beautiful view to enjoy. Combine this with cultural and historical buildings and the picturesque picture is complete. Many attractions in Maasgouw can be visited. You can visit windmills and churches, or pay a visit to a museum. There is also plenty to do for the children: Have a nice swim and play in the outdoor playgrounds.

Routes in and around Maagouw

A beautiful municipality like Maasgouw is best explored at your leisure. Various routes have been plotted using the junction system. They take you to all the beautiful places in the municipality. If you prefer to make your own route, you can do so with the walking, cycling or equestrian route planner.

Active day out

Fancy an active day out? Then you are in the right place in Maasgouw. Because of its location by the water, there are many water sports to be done. In addition, there are all kinds of round trips and group activities to book. 

View all active days out in the municipality of Maasgouw here


Nightlife in Maasgouw

Find the conviviality in one of the typical pubs of the municipality of Maasgouw. Enjoy a nice drink with a drink board and visit one of the many events that are organised here.

Fun Beach Maasgouw