Nature Walk De Peel: Knuppelbrug- Red

NEDERWEERT - De Peel Knuppelbrugroute Rood
Startlocatie: Moostdijk 15
6035 RB

Walking/hiking routes

Length of route: 3 km. De Peel is as Dutch as it gets. Nevertheless, this area on the border of Noord-Brabant and Limburg is difficult to compare with other parts of our country.

There is only one way to explore the Peel and that is with your hiking boots on. Although the area is still very marshy here and there, thanks to the many paths the Peel is easily accessible.

The Peel trail leads you over old peel tracks, past a bird watching cabin, a viewing tower and over bat paths and bridges. The paths that are not in use as footpaths are covered with eagle ferns. Where these, often man-sized, ferns grow, there is still peat in the ground.

Route: <5 km.
Route from A to A
Marked route


The distances mentioned below are the distances from the location above.

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