Marsh area
This used to be an inaccessible marshland, but over the years, the area was drained and reclaimed so that it could be used for agriculture.
Natuurmonumenten now wants to bring the area back to its original wet character. By diverting the river Raam, the water will be retained. This will also keep water 'in stock' in dry times. Linking the areas together in Kempen-Broek will create a climate buffer.
Climate buffer
A climate buffer ensures that water can be retained in the ground. This prevents water problems downstream, in this case the Tungelroyse stream.
Because the area becomes moister again, a lot of life will also be created. You will find all sorts of flowers, plants, birds and butterflies here. The kingfisher, among others, uses this location as a breeding ground.
Natuurmonumenten is working with the Province of Limburg and the Limburg Water Board to create this climate buffer.